Kimchi Halfie

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Grilled Tofu with Soy Sauce and Lime Marinade

We’re packing flavor from limes, soy sauce, and a lot of black pepper into our blank canvas that is firm tofu. A special treat grilled on a charcoal BBQ but can be seared on a stovetop or even baked. The key to this dish is giving the tofu enough time to soak up the marinade, so make sure to practice a little patience.

Grilled Tofu with Soy Sauce and Lime Marinade

About 4 servings with sides

2 (14 - ounce) packages of firm tofu
Zest and juice of 2 Limes
1/2 cup Soy Sauce
3 Tablespoons sesame seed oil
1 Tablespoon coarse black pepper

1. Wrap the tofu blocks with paper towels, and soak up any excess liquid. Cut tofu into rectangle pieces, about 1/2 inches. Put tofu pieces in a plastic bag to marinade.

2. Combine lime zest and juice, soy sauce, sesame seed oil, and pepper in the plastic bag with the tofu. Get as much air out of the bag as possible and seal it, then lightly massage the marinade on the tofu. Marinate overnight or at least for two hours.

3. Make a two-zone grill (one side very hot with all the coals, the other warm from residual heat). Once the grill is heated up, sear the tofu to get grill marks, about 3 minutes on each side. Move the pieces to the cooler zone for 5 minutes, with the lid on. Take off grill and serve.